Welcome to my world. Well, not just mine entirely. There is Scooch too - a German Shepherd that I have had with me since my college days.
I love Scooch and it suffices to say that he is my world. But, he is a very messy dog and I spend half my day cleaning up around the house. Don’t get me wrong. He does not poop, I have trained him well.
But his hair falls all over, he goes out of home and brings back his muddy prints and then the gall of him! He walks right over my new rugs.
The day Scooch was a bad bad dog
I am familiar with the eccentricities of Scooch but there is this one day when he surpassed it all. The neighbour recently adopted a Schitzu and ever since then Scooch has found his play buddy or as I prefer to call it - his ‘lets-dirty-the-rugs-together’ buddy.

I usually clean up at night once they have finished making a mess of themselves and acting like goofballs. But this one day I was working late and came home to my rugs FILTHY!
I was livid. My rugs were not the ones you get at a flea market. My aunt had gotten them from Persia as a gift for my new place. Now I had to find a cleaner, and that too a professional one.
The answer to my plea for rug cleaning services Melbourne - NY Cleaning!
A true team of professionals, NY Cleaning really worked wonders on my rugs. They did this by their expert rug cleaning Melbourne:
Using products that are 100% safe for the rugs.
Using deep cleaning action that removes the layers of grime from within the thin fibres.
Retaining the plushness of the fibres.
Among the many services of NY Cleaning: carpet cleaning Melbourne
Just because I am bragging about my rugs being the highlight of my home, it does not mean that I do not have any other fabrics that I am worried about.
Scooch leaves no stone unturned in rolling over the carpet with his friend and the two keep chuckling at goodness knows what!
NY Cleaning! You guys did a fab job! Now Scooch can play all he wants and I have nothing to worry about. The carpet can be cleaned. I even recommended your carpet cleaning services to a friend in Melbourne too, as I loved it so much.
Scooch’s personal favourite: NY CLeaning’s upholstery cleaning in Melbourne
Of course, it is no surprise that Scooch loves the team at NY Cleaning. They help clean his fur off the carpets and Scooch feels they are the good cops. Upholstery cleaning Melbourne at its very best!
Phew! NY Cleaning, you have my heart and the doggies seem to be fans of y’all too now. The upholstery cleaning was amazing! Scooch is now under the impression that he can snuggle in the comfortable covers and drool over them and whatever he does, NY Cleaning will have the solution.
Well, he is not wrong.
Here’s all my love to your team!